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2023-2024 State Budget Highlights

$145 Million in Direct Investments for the District & Statewide:

$1,250,000 - for the South Bay Center for Counseling to support the expansion of the Strength Based Community Change’s Thriving Families Well-being Initiative.

$2,500,000 - for Kedren South to fully fund and build the acute psychiatric wing in the new Psychiatric Acute Care Hospital & Children's Village in South Los Angeles (LA).

$1,250,000 - for the Beacon House Association of San Pedro's Bartlett Center. The Bartlett Remodel will update equipment and fixtures and increase storage capacity, allowing BH to increase daily meals served from 940 to 2,100 to residents and unhoused neighbors.

$80,000,000 - for Juvenile Court Schools.

$60,000,000 - to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to expand nursing programs (co-champion).

Assemblymember Gipson Introduces Bill to Close Open-Carry Loophole

Legislation to close dangerous loophole in firearm open-carry law introduced on first day of Legislative Session

(Sacramento) – Marking the beginning of the 2017 Legislative Session, this afternoon, Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D-Carson) introduced Assembly Bill 7 which will close a loophole in firearms law. This piece of legislation is the beginning of a series of bills aimed to close loopholes in gun safety legislation in order to fight the NRA and keep communities across California safe. Current law bans the open carry of rifles in incorporated areas, but does not include unincorporated areas of the state, like East Los Angeles and parts of Compton and Carson that have tens of thousands of residents. This bill will prohibit the open carry of weapons like rifles and shotguns in unincorporated areas and will instead require counties to designate specific areas where this practice is lawful.

Gipson Returns as Democratic Caucus Chair

Gipson welcomes new class of Assemblymembers

SACRAMENTO, Calif --- Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D-Carson) was tapped today by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) as Democratic Caucus Chair following the opening of a new legislative session of the California State Assembly.

Ghost Gun Legislation Passes State Legislature

Bill to Close Ghost Gun Loophole Heads to Governor Brown.

(Sacramento) – This afternoon, Assembly Bill (AB) 1673 by Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D-Carson) overcame its last major hurdle towards becoming law when it passed the state legislature.  AB 1673 passed with bipartisan support in the Assembly with a vote of 46-33 and 23-14 vote in the Senate. The bill will now head to the Governor for his signature.

“We have an opportunity to really curb gun violence here in California and close a deadly loophole that allows for certain manufactured parts of a gun to be untraceable and undetectable” said Assemblymember Gipson. “We must address this window of opportunity that allowed for people to use these unsearialized guns in the Santa Monica, Stockton, and Walnut Creek shootings of 2013 through 2015.

Assemblymember Mike Gipson and Speaker Rendon Introduce Resolution Recognizing National Gun Violence Awareness Day

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D-Carson) will be joined by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and others in recognition of National Gun Violence Awareness Day as well as to discuss legislative efforts by Assembly Democrats to curb gun violence in California.

National Gun Violence Awareness Day started in 2015 on what would have been the 18th birthday of Hadiya Pendleton, a high school student from Chicago who was shot and killed in 2013 just one week after performing at President Barack Obama's second inauguration.