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2024-2025 Legislation

AB 694 - Teachers: teacher residency apprenticeship programs.

Will expand the pipeline into the teaching profession by establishing the California Teacher Residency Apprenticeship Program.

AB 1328 - Cosmetology Licensure Compact.

Would form a new multistate licensing program, providing increased value and mobility to licensed Cosmetologists in the member states while ensuring safe, effective, and reliable services to the public.

AB 1695 - Career technical education: Nursing Pathway Pilot Program.

Aims to develop a streamlined educational program that would allow students in grades 9-12 to enter the Nursing Pilot Pathway Program, which would jumpstart their nursing careers.

AB 1879 - Electronic signatures.

Authorizes county assessors to accept e-signatures in lieu of wet signatures on tax-related documents.

AB 1906 - Older Adult Terminology.

Removes the terms "dependent adult" and "dependent person" from California code sections and replace those terms with new terminology that would describe these adults in a respectful way while preserving their legal rights and protections.

AB 2027 - Student financial aid: College Access Tax Credit Fund: community college student transfers.

Expands on the definition of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) within the College Access Tax Credit Program to include Historically Black Graduate Institutions (HBGI).

AB 2141 - Cash assistance programs: direct deposit.

Requires the county Department of Human Assistance to inform applicants when they are applying for benefits and at each redetermination that they can receive their benefits through direct deposit.

AB 2181 - Juvenile court school pupils: graduation requirements and continued education options.

Seeks to expand opportunities for juvenile court school pupils to stay in high school, as appropriate, to complete local graduation requirements and engage in A-G courses, dual enrollment, and Career Technical Education (CTE) opportunities.

AB 2231 - Pawnbrokers: education.

Creates mandatory education requirements for all pawnbrokers before receiving their license and requires continuing education at each license renewal.

AB 2419 - Search warrants: child prostitution.

Allows for law Enforcement to request a search warrant in order to investigate telephone communications by a minor who has been solicited for prostitution.

AB 2465 - Equity: socially disadvantaged groups and organizations: nonprofit organizations.

Seeks to increase equity in state governmental grant programs involving environmental justice, agriculture, urban forestry, land acquisition, and watershed improvement.

AB 2526 - Nurse anesthetists: general anesthesia or deep sedation.

Increases access to care for dental patients by authorizing dentists to contract anesthesia services out to all licensed anesthesia providers.

AB 2775 - Emergency medical services.

Clarifies that the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) can create guidelines related to telemedicine in paramedicine.

AB 2816 - School safety: School Mapping Data Grant Program.

Seeks to enhance school safety by integrating school mapping technology to ensure emergency response teams have precise, unified location data to coordinate and communicate quickly and decisively.

AB 2862 - Department of Consumer Affairs: African American applicants.

Would require state licensing boards to prioritize license applications from African Americans.

AB 2895 - Tax administration.

Would require the California Department of Tax and Fee Board and the Office of Tax Appeals Board to include the Controller, Director of Finance, and Chairperson of the State Board of Equalization.

AB 2913 - Open unsolved murder: review and reinvestigation.

Would allow for family members of homicide victims to request that law enforcement conduct a review of an open unsolved homicide case file to determine whether a full reinvestigation would result in new, probative investigative leads.

AB 2975 - Safety and health standards: workplace violence prevention plan.

Requires hospitals to install and properly staff metal detectors to reduce the number of weapons entering ERs and reduce workplace violence.

AB 2984 - Fleeing the scene of an accident.

D’Ancee’s law, would remove the statute of limitations for hit and runs resulting in vehicular manslaughter or serious injury.

AB 3033 - Economic development: movement of freight.

Would require the governor to appoint a freight coordinator to advise and coordinate policies that promote the growth, competitiveness, and sustainability of freight and the supply chain across the state.

AB 3067 - California Interscholastic Federation: notice of sanctions.

Would require insurers to include in homeowners/renters insurance applications a question regarding firearms and their storage in order to access the safety of a home as well as add insurance for any stolen firearm.

AB 3085 - Vehicles: removal and impoundment.

Addresses road safety by increasing the penalties for street racing, including exhibition of speed and reckless driving. These penalties will include 30 days of vehicle impoundment, paying restitution to any victims, and staying away from street takeovers.

AB 3141 - Property taxation: possessory interests: seaport environmental improvements.

Creates an exemption of a property tax reassessment for port tenants whose infrastructure improvements are meant to reduce water and air pollution.

AB 3151 - Intermodal roadability inspection program.

Will ensure all chassis on California port terminals are inspected, maintained, and repaired on a consistent and frequent basis.

AB 3168 - Department of Motor Vehicles: confidential records.

Seeks to ensure that agencies have the ability to remove enhanced license plate confidentiality following employment termination.