Assemblymember Gipson and the Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement, Review Report on Improving CA Ports
2023-2024 State Budget Highlights
$145 Million in Direct Investments for the District & Statewide:
$1,250,000 - for the South Bay Center for Counseling to support the expansion of the Strength Based Community Change’s Thriving Families Well-being Initiative.
$2,500,000 - for Kedren South to fully fund and build the acute psychiatric wing in the new Psychiatric Acute Care Hospital & Children's Village in South Los Angeles (LA).
$1,250,000 - for the Beacon House Association of San Pedro's Bartlett Center. The Bartlett Remodel will update equipment and fixtures and increase storage capacity, allowing BH to increase daily meals served from 940 to 2,100 to residents and unhoused neighbors.
$80,000,000 - for Juvenile Court Schools.
$60,000,000 - to the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to expand nursing programs (co-champion).
Asm. Gipson Calls On CHP Commissioner, Governor to Authorize $50k Reward for the Unsolved Murder of Tioni Theus
South Los Angeles, Calif – (January 26, 2022) Today, Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D-Carson) announced at a press conference hosted by District Attorney George Gascon and Los Angeles elected officials, a $50,000 crime tip award authorized by Governor Gavin Newsom, for information leading to the arrest and conviction of perpetrators responsible for the murder of 16-year-old Tioni Theus.
Asm. Gipson Statement on Governor’s 2022 Proposed Budget
SACRAMENTO, Calif --- Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D-Carson) released the following statement on the Governor’s state budget proposal:
Asm. Gipson with Quinto Family Introduces Bill Separating Coroner’s Offices from Sheriff’s Departments in California
AB 1608 co-sponsored by Angelo Quinto Family after death of their son in law enforcement custody
Asm. Gipson Answers Call from Governor to Introduce Bill to Ban Ghost Guns and Assault Weapons
“Like our honorable Governor Gavin Newsom already stated: “If TX can ban abortion and endanger lives, CA can ban deadly weapons of war and save lives.”