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Assemblymember Gipson and His Family Take the Cal Fresh Challenge

California State Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson) joined by his wife, Le Cresha and son, Jordan took the CalFresh Challenge by shopping, planning and preparing meals for one week based on the CalFresh supplemental food benefit allotment of $127.75 for a family of three. It was not easy, but the Gipson family wanted to have a better understanding of what some California families go through every week just to keep food on the table.

“Poverty and hunger go hand in hand,” said Assemblymember Gipson. “Far too many families must choose between paying their rent and eating regularly.”

Assemblymember Gipson also wants to bring attention to the fact that many low income areas in California, and in the 64th Assembly District are “food deserts.” That means the availability of fresh and healthy food is very low. Watch this Assembly Access Video to find out how the Gipson Family dealt with the CalFresh Challenge and what they learned.