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Assemblymemeber Gipson Urges Congress to do Better by Dreamers

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, Calif --- In the wake of Trump’s repeal of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (D- Carson) presented House Resolution 66, which condemns the President’s action. The resolution further urges congress to stand by Dreamers and take affirmative steps to develop a bipartisan and more effective version of DACA that leads to a pathway to citizenship.

DACA assisted nearly 790,000 young unauthorized immigrants in the United States with 222,795 in California alone. This program gave critical support to undocumented immigrants who came to this country before the age of 16, providing them with deportation relief and work permits so that they could stay in this country as productive residents rather than live in fear of deportation.

 “California has nearly 10 million immigrants. Regardless of their immigration status, they deserve equal protection under the law,” said Assemblymember Gipson. “We will not stand for the President’s bullying of vulnerable populations who are working, paying taxes, contributing to our economy and seeking to give back to this country.”

DACA is popular with the public and enjoys the support of employers, educators, community leaders, and elected officials from both parties. According to a Politico poll, 78% of American voters support giving Dreamers the chance to stay permanently in America.

Assemblymember Gipson presented HR 66 on the Assembly floor today with over a dozen members speaking in support and added 57 co-authors.

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