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Education, Healthcare, and Poverty Priorities in California’s Budget

For immediate release:

California Legislature sends balanced budget to the Governor

(Sacramento) The State Legislature approved the state budget by a 52-28 vote today, meeting a midnight deadline to send the bill to the Governor. The Legislature’s budget allocates more than $117 billion, and sets aside over $5 billion in reserves. Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson) released the following statement on this year’s budget:

“I’m proud to support a balanced budget that prioritizes education, healthcare, and poverty reduction in California. By strengthening social programs to assist the disadvantaged, such as early education and the Earned Income Tax Program, more Californians will have the freedom to follow their own path to success and happiness. This budget will also help create healthier communities by restoring funding cuts to critical Medi-Cal programs. For the residents of the 64th Assembly District, these changes could mean the difference between finally breaking out of the cycle of poverty and building communities that offer a better quality of life to future generations. Overall, these policies outline the virtues of a society concerned with creating the broadest opportunities for all of our citizens.”

The budget will now head to the Governor for his approval. For additional information, please visit –

Mike Gipson represents the 64th Assembly District. The district includes the cities of Carson, Compton, Gardena, Harbor Gateway, Lynwood, North Long Beach, Rancho Dominguez, South Los Angeles, Torrance, Watts/Willowbrook and Wilmington.